Ms Boom Boom Room

Ms Boom Boom Room

Saturday, September 20, 2014


U-part wigs are a simpler way to achieve the look of a full sew-in, in a fraction of the time. Many celebrities from Beyoncé to Nicki Minaj and many others use this method because its easy to switch looks. 
Women find the U-Part Wig to be more convenient because unlike a full sew-in, each individual track does not have to be sewn directly on to your head. 

Things you'll need to get this look
-marker (white or other light color)
-mannequin head
-hooked needles

1. You should braid a base for the wig to be sewn to. This is the braid pattern I used.

2. Open your wig cap. Mine had small straps in the back for easy adjusting. I got it from Sally's for $3.99.

3. On the cap, clearly mark the area (after measuring to your head) where you would like your leave to be. 

4. Begin sewing your bundles from the bottom (nape) of the cape and work your way up. You'll want to use the flip over method so not to damage the weave wefts. Continue to sew the tracks to the cap until you reach the marked area.

5. Cut the marked "u-part" out for your leave out.

6. Apply the wig to your head and begin to sew it to the perimeter or edge of your head.

7.  Style your leave out over the wig and BOOM you're done. 


[The hair that was used in this tutorial is 5A Virgin Indian body wave and can be purchased at]

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to follow me on my social media sites below for more tutorials and updates!

-Instagram: @Msboomboomroom
-Twitter: @Msboomboomroom

To book a custom sew in or U part wig install click the link below:


Ms. Boom Boom Room

Here is a full vlog of the steps to make a U-Part Wig. Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe.

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